Our Walking blog

Winter walking with Foot Trails

Up and Out with a Winter Sunrise

As winter deepens we wait eagerly for days like today. Clear skies promise frost, ice and a spectacular sunrise.

Dressed warmly for an English winter with wool scarves and gloves, warm coats and waterproof boots we head out of our

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Phrase of the week – Raining Cats and Dogs

It is, currently, “raining cats and dogs” in Wiltshire, Bath and through the West country.

Are animals falling from the sky?! No, this strange sounding phrase originates from 17th century England and means, it’s raining heavily.

No-one is sure precisely

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New – Kings of Wessex – Making a trail

Smatterings of frost glistened as David and I packed a rucksack, picked up our boots, Dictaphone, notebook and camera and headed for the Dorset and Somerset borders, with the intent of creating and testing a new trail.

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A new Seasonal Guide to walking in England

I’ve been fortunate to have travelled and walked in several other countries of the world including America and Europe. Doing so has not only been hugely enjoyable and interesting but it has also helped me to strengthen even further what

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Dorset Royal Chase – New walking trip

It was a small but interesting party who set off keenly on Saturday morning to walk through North Dorset’s spectacular countryside in England.

Julia Killick (CBE) and Lynn Bann are Foot Trails newest volunteer trail guides, responsible for walking our

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Walking and health hits headlines

Walking has made the front and prominent pages of some well known British newspapers today.

A new scientific research project has concluded that just 20 minutes walking a day can help us to live longer.

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