Walking the land. Here are a few suggested walking tours to inspire you for your next walking adventure in England.
Stunning landscapes of Saxon Wessex
An inn to inn walking trail that gives you a glimpse of old England with Saxon kings, medieval castles and country cottages. Woods, rivers, breath taking views – landscapes that have inspired poets, authors and filmmakers since time immemorial.

A landscape & coastal inn to inn hike
An inn to inn hiking tour that takes you through the folds and creases of the land to the sea’s edge, Enjoy charming Dorset villages, babbling streams and ancient mills, all steeped in tales of smugglers and ancient England.

Walking tour with river & canal views
Explore on foot the fascinating history, cosmopolitan flair and stunning architecture of Bath. Bucolic river views, canals, aqueducts, mills and countryside that surround this country city.

Journey of a lifetime
The ultimate South West walking adventure from 18 to 27 nights, Explore the diverse landscapes and history of the South West on a journey from the Cotswolds to Bath, onward through Wessex to then arrive at the Dorset coast.

A few of the things we love about walking in the landscape:

Meadow and chalk downland
Much of southern England is characterised by Chalk (white and porous substance), creating a curving land. Our Foot Trails wander over the West Wiltshire Downs, Cranborne Chase and Salisbury Plain & Stonehenge.
The chalk is a form of limestone, and it was laid down under the sea millions of years ago. Formed by tiny shells. Big curves, dry valleys and steeply sided coombes, all the things that chalk landscapes are well known for.

Flora and fauna
With a variety of landscapes and countryside on your Foot Trail you can expect to see a wide variety of seasonal flowers, from the first early spring Snowdrops and bulbs in January and February through to the wild Bluebells and woodland flowers of spring, red Poppies and cornflowers of summer, and the wild berries and fungi of autumn.
We enjoy including extra little touches such as a Colins Gem guide in your Walk & Explore Box, so you can enjoy spotting and learning about the trees, flora and fauna too.

Woodland and forest
There are some beautiful stretches of woodland and forest on our Foot Trails. Great places to enjoy our native English trees such as the Oak and of course a wide variety of animals, flora and fauna.
Look out for deer, foxes, badgers and mice in the woodland. If you can’t spot the animals themselves, see if you can find their tracks in the mud. Listen out for bird song from the many different British varieties, and in spring enjoy the woodland flowers and tree blossoms.

Farming and agriculture have shaped the English landscape over 1000’s of years. Hedgerows criss-cross the landscape, attracting birds, insects and life, in May they bloom white and in autumn they are thick with berries.
In the fields Cattle and sheep graze creating pastures and encouraging wildflowers. In spring the barley fields ripple in the wind, in summer turning to fields of gold. The rhythm of the farming year and seasons is played out in the countryside before you.
How do our trips work?
Typically you stay for 2 nights at each selected country inn with a different and varied walk each day. It allows for a little less packing & moving on, and a little more exploring like a local. Luggage transfers are included when you hike to your next country inn.
Your itinerary consultant is here to guide you through creating and arranging your Foot Trail. Simply get in touch below to start a conversation.

Like to find out more?
Free brochure with daily walk information, accommodation details and example pricing available. To request your brochure just pop your details in below. We look forward to hearing from you.