Who says grey skies and rainy days are no fun?! It’s true – we all know it rains sometimes in England!
But we love the rain too. It makes England’s countryside vibrant green and fresh and is why we have the incredible range of flowers, plants and trees that we do. England’s varied weather means never a dull moment, a sharp contrast in seasons and the possibility of a myriad different views, moments and feelings – all in just one day.
Some of our favourite rainy moments include seeing raindrops drip off leaves, the smell of a hot road after rain and who can resist jumping in puddles!
Thank you so much Peter, who took this gorgeous splash of colour on your recent Secret Cotswolds walking trip. Perfect for a grey day. (If you are planning a walking trip with us and would love to talk about weather, or the best time of year to walk, please let us know. Just email us at enquire@foottrails.co.uk. It’s a commonly asked question we love to help answer.)