Different times of day
I love to walk at different times of the day. Rather like the seasons, different times of day bring light, shade and atmosphere.
This morning I set out at dawn to walk the hills around Bath. Something I do often. This morning I felt as if I had stepped out my front door and into a romantic fairy tale. The grass was heavy with drops of dew, it hung in sizeable round spheres from the bottom of the metal gates and on the holly bushes.
Best of all was the light. Soft, not yet fully light. A beautiful light mist mixed with a low hanging grey cloud. It was tricky to identify the two and tell them apart But the effect was an ethereal landscape of greys and black and whites, the occasional bright yellow light from the abbey or a house shining through.
The light and the mist gave me a myriad of different changing pictures and images as I walked. On days like this it is difficult for me not to stop continually with my camera. I was enthralled by seeds heads against a constantly changing early sky. Of mist filled tunnels of trees through the woods and Bath’s pretty roof tops and skyline emerging periodically past a cow or a hill (such is the unique nature of Bath’s position, part city part country).
I loved it. As I always love to be outdoors. My boots and my camera and a wandering mind.
Warm Regards and Wishes, Alison Howell
For ideas and inspiration for crisp, winters walking in Britain find out website at www.foottrails.co.uk