Our Walking blog

Honing observation skills with walking

Surely one of the greatest joys of walking is its ability to hone our observation skills.
I’ve loved being outside all my life, and for the last 17 years that passion has played it’s part in my efforts contributing

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New – Kings of Wessex – Making a trail

Smatterings of frost glistened as David and I packed a rucksack, picked up our boots, Dictaphone, notebook and camera and headed for the Dorset and Somerset borders, with the intent of creating and testing a new trail.

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A new Seasonal Guide to walking in England

I’ve been fortunate to have travelled and walked in several other countries of the world including America and Europe. Doing so has not only been hugely enjoyable and interesting but it has also helped me to strengthen even further what

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Spellbound by mist

Sunday’s dawn broke as a golden ball of fire, at first slowly creeping above the horizon, then gathering pace, up, up into the sky.

I was spell bound by the mists, hovering almost ghost like above the river. And the

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Walking The Cotswolds

At this time of year the fields of barley (with its long wispy delicate whiskers) and wheat are starting to turn and ripen. Barley changes beautifully from its vibrant green to a light beige. And wheat, standing tall and proudly

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Dorset Royal Chase – New walking trip

It was a small but interesting party who set off keenly on Saturday morning to walk through North Dorset’s spectacular countryside in England.

Julia Killick (CBE) and Lynn Bann are Foot Trails newest volunteer trail guides, responsible for walking our

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