Our Walking blog

Winter mist

Is Autumn a good time to walk in England?

We are often asked this question. Autumn (or fall) draws in from early September to early November. It is a magical time, a change of season that marks nature’s spectacular harvest, abundance, before nature falls asleep, waiting to awake in

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Out & About – wild garlic & bluebells

Always take a British weather forecast with a pinch of salt! It’s a very British saying which means you can’t always trust the weather will do what’s forecast! Today’s forecast read as overcast and cloudy with rain showers. The reality

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Foot Trails walking holidays

Q&A with our trail creator David

We love walking & hiking; exploring, discovering and the sense of space and freedom. But what makes a good walk? And how do we at Foot Trails create our walks? At our heart is to create walks on local footpaths,

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Checking our trails in rural England

Out & about – peaceful Winter walks

Here at Foot Trails we spend a lot of time over the winter months checking and updating our unique and custom walking trails. Winter is the perfect time of year to come crunching across the countryside, marvelling at nature’s silent

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Hiking Holidays In Dorset UK

A love of landscape

Walking & hiking the Landscape is a privilege, to immerse yourself, moving simply by foot is life affirming, calming and grounding, it connects us to our story and nature in a unique way. At its most simple landscape is a

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Beautiful Autumn walks in The Cotswolds

Out & about – Autumn in The Cotswolds

Last week we out & about, checking our Corinium trail in the Cotswolds. It was a misty autumn morning as we arrived at our starting point, a quiet village in the Cotswolds countryside. We took some time to explore the

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Walking at Glastonbury Tor

Somerset mysteries – “Myths & Legends”

Walk in a landscape soaked with folklore and legends on our NEW Myths & Legends trail.  Glastonbury Tor is said to be where history and myth combine, an iconic landmark that offers magnificent views of the Somerset Levels, Dorset, Wiltshire

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Walking & Hiking with Foot Trails

Our Anniversary Foot Trail – 21 years young

It’s an unseasonably warm sunny October day in the deepest rural Cotswolds in England. 8 of us are gathering at a Foot Trails country inn, in anticipation of some wonderful walking to mark and celebrate Foot Trails 21st anniversary this

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NEW – Pictures of England Book

Limited Edition – Pictures of England by Alison & David Howell of Foot Trails Missed visiting the English countryside this year? Love rural England but could not get here in 2020? Enjoy dreaming of, and being inspired by, England? Looking for

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