Interview in the woods – my role at Foot Trails, Alison

Alison Howell, Foot Trails Ambassador and Caretaker


Out in the woods over the weekend I am reminded of the amazing beauty in our English countryside at this time of year.

As Foot Trails Founder and CEO I am often asked, what do you do?

Good question.

I am both ambassador and caretaker of what we do at Foot Trails.

I dream about getting people outdoors, deep into the English countryside, where they will walk trails created by David (my husband) and I.

On these our guests will find moments to connect with the beauty, nature and stories of rural England.

Guests will learn something new and perhaps learn a little about themselves if they wish.

Walking is a wonder. Simple on the surface, it transforms us through time and landscapes via our footsteps. It gives our brains (often bombarded in the modern world) time to wander and breathe.

My job is to connect people with rural England but in a way that is respectful and wise, simple and real.

I work with guests, my fabulous team, our wonderful inns and drivers and a host of others who care about rural England as much as I do.

Thank you for the kind messages you send via email about this blog and our instagram posts. I am heartened you find inspiration here. Thank you for joining Foot Trails journey.

I feel fortunate to be in love with what I do. This doesn’t mean it’s always easy or that I know all the answers (I don’t) but it means I have something burning brightly inside of me, that makes me want to keep going.

Happy Trails.


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